The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of aerobic training on motor cortical areas in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients, based on task-based functional magnetic resonance imaging (t-fMRI) as well as on brain activity at rest, according to resting state functional MRI (rs-fMRI) studies.

Material and methods:
Multiple sclerosis patients were divided into 2 groups consisting of 14 participants each: the MS study group and the MS control group. All MS patients underwent clinical assessment and MRI examination, twice: in the MS study group at the time of inclusion in the study and after a 4-week period of aerobic training, whereas in the MS control group it happened at the time of inclusion and after a period of one month without exercise rehabilitation. The MRI study protocol included rs-fMRI and t-fMRI sequences, which were the grounds for an analysis of resting state networks (RSN) as well as peak level and cluster level parameters within motor cortex areas – the primary motor cortex, premotor area, and supplementary motor area, respectively.

In the MS study group, aerobic training improved the clinical condition and decreased the functional correlation between the sensorimotor network and the salience network. Also, significant decreases of the mean cluster level (72.42 vs. 38.35) and peak level values (10.89 vs. 7.64) were observed in the contralateral primary motor cortex in this group of patients between examinations.

Aerobic training not only improves physical performance but also contributes to changes in brain activity – both within RSN and motor cortex areas in MS patients.

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