Comparison between squamous cell carcinoma and inflammatory diseases of the oral and maxillofacial region using gallium-67 scintigraphy with computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging
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Submission date: 2018-01-24
Final revision date: 2018-03-14
Acceptance date: 2018-07-31
Publication date: 2018-09-27
Pol J Radiol, 2018; 83: 452-458
This study aimed to compare squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) with inflammatory diseases of the oral and maxillofacial region using gallium 67 (67Ga) scintigraphy with computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Material and methods:
Seventy patients with SCC and 15 patients with inflammatory diseases of the oral and maxillofacial region underwent 67Ga scintigraphy with CT and MRI. A comparison between imaging features of 67Ga scintigraphy, CT, and MRI and lesions was performed with the Pearson’s chi-squared test.

67Ga scintigraphy was positive for 25 of 39 patients with SCC positive on CT and/or MRI (64.1%) and for 13 of 15 patients with inflammatory diseases positive on CT and/or MRI (86.7%). The detection of inflammatory diseases with 67Ga scintigraphy was higher than that of SCC (p = 0.104).

This study compared SCC with inflammatory diseases of the oral and maxillofacial region using 67Ga scintigraphy with CT and MRI. 67Ga scintigraphy is an effective technique for detection of inflammatory diseases of the oral and maxillofacial region.
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