Computed tomography urography with iterative reconstruction algorithm in congenital urinary tract abnormalities in children – association of radiation dose with image quality
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Submission date: 2018-03-07
Acceptance date: 2018-03-19
Publication date: 2018-04-27
Pol J Radiol, 2018; 83: 175-182
To assess the extent to which a radiation dose can be lowered without compromising image quality and diagnostic confidence in congenital urinary tract abnormalities in children by using a CT scanner with an iterative reconstruction algorithm.

Material and methods:
120 CT urography image series were analysed retrospectively. Image series were divided into four study groups depending on effective radiation dose (group 1: 0.8-2 mSv; group 2: 2-4 mSv; group 3: 4-6 mSv; group 4: 6-11 mSv). Objective and subjective image quality were investigated. In objective analysis, measurements of attenuation and standard deviation (SD) in five regions of interest (ROIs) were performed in 109 excretory image series, and image noise was evaluated. In subjective analysis, two independent radiologists evaluated 138 kidney units for subjective image quality and diagnostic confidence.

There were no significant differences in image noise in objective evaluation between the following study groups: 2 vs. 3 and 3 vs. 4 in all ROIs (with the only exception in spleen SD measurement between study groups 2 vs. 3), while there was significantly more image noise in group 2 in comparison to group 4. For all other ROIs in all study groups, there was more image noise on lower dose images. There were no significant differences in pairwise comparisons between study groups in subjective image quality. Diagnostic confidence was not significantly different between all study groups.

Low-dose CT urography can be a valuable method in congenital urinary tract abnormalities in children. Despite poorer image quality, diagnostic confidence is not significantly compromised in examinations performed with lower radiation doses.
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