Interventional radiology treatments for iatrogenic severe bleeding during percutaneous coronary interventions
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Publication date: 2018-06-24
Pol J Radiol, 2018; 83: 319-325
Interventional cardiology and interventional radiology are separate medical disciplines in which intra-arterial contrast media are used. Interventional cardiology has resigned from many types of treatment techniques that are now used and developed in the field of interventional radiology. In the event of iatrogenic bleeding during coronary interventions, there is an urgent need to use safe and efficient rescue procedures that are as efficient as cardiosurgery but use simpler treatment options. Serious perforations require immediate endovascular interventions. Medical history may reveal risk factors for artery perforation. Medicines, location of artery perforation, and extent of bleeding are directly associated with the prognosis. Most often, arterial perforations are due to inappropriate wire manipulation or use of oversized balloons or cutting balloons. Prolonged, artery-occluding balloon inflation, covered stent implantation, and embolisation with different agents are among the available treatment options for artery ruptures.

Material and methods:
A retrospective analysis was carried out among selected patients with iatrogenic vascular complications during procedures involving either coronary or non-coronary arteries.

Only representative cases were selected and presented in the patient subsection.

Artery perforation during cardiac catheterisation can lead to dire consequences. To manage this complication, clinicians need pre-established procedures, adequate resources, and knowledge. Interventional radiology can be used as a salvage therapy in such cases.
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