Relationship between bridging and dimensions of sella turcica with classification of craniofacial skeleton
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Publication date: 2018-06-04
Pol J Radiol, 2018; 83: 120-126
In orthodontics, it is essential to determine the craniofacial skeleton pattern (class I, II, III) for planning treatment. Sella turcica bridging that is seen on lateral cephalometric radiographs is considered as a normal finding. This study aimed to compare sella turcica bridging and its dimensions in patients with various craniofacial patterns.

Material and methods:
A total of 105 lateral cephalometric radiographs (53 men and 52 women), aged 14–26 years, were randomly and equally assigned to three groups of class I, II, and III, respectively. The length, diameter, and depth of the sella turcica as well as sella turcica bridging were determined on radiographs. The chi-squared test was used for assessing the relationship between sella turcica bridging and craniofacial skeleton classification. ANOVA was used for assessing the relationship between the dimensions of the sella turcica and craniofacial skeleton classification. The Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used for assessing the relationship between age and the dimensions of the sella turcica.

The sella turcica had a normal shape in 64.76% of patients, whereas 35.33% of patients had sella turcica bridging. In total, 11.42% of patients belonged to class I, 34.28% to class II, and 66.62% to class III. The diameter of the sella turcica had a significant relationship with age; the diameter of the sella turcica increased with age (p < 0.001).

There is a significant relationship between craniofacial skeleton patterns and sella turcica bridging, i.e., the incidence of sella turcica bridging is higher in class III patients. The sella turcica had a greater diameter in older patients.
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